Transformative Learning. Remarkable results.

Learning and Development for Luxury Brands
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Moxie Professional Development delivers transformative consulting and training services to help the luxury and fashion industry innovate and succeed in a high-touch, high-emotion market. We help your business cultivate clients, inspire team performance, and strengthen business results.

The Luxury Laws of Excellence

The Luxury Laws of Excellence

How does luxury create such powerful longing? Learn the fundamentals on which the best luxury brands are built in The Luxury Laws of Excellence.

This book opens the secret door to understanding the world of luxury—and gives you the essentials of success to ensure the desirability and longevity of luxury brands. It will also introduce you to our expertise and approach.

Inquire for your copy.

Invest in Tomorrow Today

One of the fundamental laws of luxury is that today must serve tomorrow. It’s the idea that building a brand that stands the test of time takes, well, time. And it starts with supporting your people to be the stewards of your brand.

Our transformative consulting and training services help individuals, managers, and executives understand and deliver on the luxury promise. Through our programs, we inspire performance and help you drive bottom-line results.



Services that Drive Impressive Results

Luxury Laws
Luxury Laws

Understand and apply luxury’s fundamentals through programs focused on culture and selling.

Team Building
Team Building

Energize your people and strengthen collaboration with programs for new or existing teams.


Enhance performance through customized coaching keyed to individual strengths and objectives.


Give your people the skills and tools to engage teams and create an inspired, people-centric culture.


We’re proud of the company we keep.

Ready to invest in tomorrow?

Let’s talk about how we can help your business.